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To Pinterest and Beyond

I am going to try to keep my posts shorter, in hopes that I can post more often. As you can see, I havent posted anything since mid October! Mind you I am adjusting to life with 2 kids and spend a lot of my time arguing about nap times and howmany episodes of Peppa Pig we are alowed to watch! so lets keep it simple this time:

1. Baby Carriers

I've tried many, and I like many. My favourite so far is the Ergo. its a great durable carrier, but I don't like it for indoors. I like my DIY K'tan, but mostly just for the newborn stage. A simple ring sling seems to be the easiest thing to use indoors and outdoors. After samplinbg the one from my friend, i ordered some rings and I made my own, based on it's measurements. I mis-measured so I had to extend it but it works great!

2, Homeschool beginings,

I have no idea what I'm doing. But I have been enthsiastic about the idea since I got married. I want to really get routines started early with my kids so I started to look for all sorts of chore charts, routine charts etc. and ultimately came up with this this masterpiece which allows for simple learning activities (weather, days, colours) and sets up a routine for my kids. not sure how it will go yet.

3. Beyond Pinterest

I have a mamaroo swing for my infant son (currently2 1/2 months). It has a mobile thingy on it which doesnt seem to provide a whole lot of amusement, so I DIYed a project that I came up with myself.


2 shower curtain hooks

2 rubber bands ( the kind they wrap around broccoli stems work great)

1/4" braided elastic,

large, blight buttons, large beads, bells etc.

sewing machine (optional... you can also just tie loops at the elastic ends)


1. sew loops on either end of the braided elastic. I measured mine by stretching it to the width of my mamaroo

2. string/tie on your beads, bells and what-have-yous.

3.wrap rubber bands around shower curtain hooks and loop the braided elastic on also

4. strap onto mamaroo. the hooks should perfectly fit around the edges of the swing.

This is great for liitle hands that don't explore too far yet. It easily comes on and off but the rubber bands around the shower curtain hooks stop it from slipping off too easily.

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